
123 Peer-Reviewed Publications

Underscored author names are advised students or postdocs.

In Review

McDaris, J., Feinberg, J.M., Fisher, B.A., and Runkel, A.C., In revision. Automated Groundwater Monitoring in Twin Cities Aquifers Shows Anthropogenic Changes.

Stine, J.M., Feinberg, J.M., Geissman, J.W., and Sweet, D.E., In review. Differentiating Between Tectonic and Paleoclimate Processes in Quaternary Sedimentary Records from the Fisher Valley Basin, Utah.

Doctor, R., Feinberg, J.M., Jaqueto, P., Trindade, R., and Carmo, J.A. In review. The Importance of Clays in Speleothem Magnetic Remanence Acquisition.

Goodwin, L.B., Hoehn, J.R., Longchamp, B.M., Smith, D.M., Feinberg, J.M., Jicha, B.R., Singer, B.S., Harrigan, C.O., and Fu, R.R. In revision. Low-angle normal fault zone reveals 3 million year seismic record via in situ 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleomagnetism.

Hobart, K.K., Walker, G., Feinberg, J.M., Bailey, J., and Jones, D.S., In review. Sulfuriferula spp. from sulfide mineral weathering environments have diverse sulfur- and iron-cycling capabilities.

2025 n =1

Atekwana, E.A., Feinberg, J.M., and Byrne, J.M., 2025. The role of microorganisms in shaping Earth's magnetic history. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 53.

2024 n =6

Harris, C., Soroush, A., Hildebrant, A.M., Amen, K.Y., Corcoran, L.G., Feinberg, J.M., Arnold, W.A., and Penn, R.L., 2024. Evolving Mineralogy and Reactivity of Hematite-Coated Sands During Reduction of 4-Chloronitrobenzene by Fe(II)  in Flow-Through Reactors. Environmental Science: Nano.

Borlina, C.S., Lima, E.A., Feinberg, J.M., Jaqueto, P., Lascu, L., Trindade, R.I.F., Font, E., Sánchez-Moreno, E.M., Dimuccio, L., Yokoyama, Y., Parés, J.M., Weiss, B.P., and Dorale, J.A., 2024. Obtaining High-resolution Magnetic Records from Speleothems Using Magnetic Microscopy, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(10), e2024GC011594

AGU Editorial Network. 2024. Challenges Facing Scientific Publishing in the Field of Earth & Space Sciences, AGU Advances, 5(4), e2024AV001334

Stine, J.M., Feinberg, J.M., Huttenlocker, A.K., Irmis, R.B., Ramirez, D., Doctor, R., McDaris, J., Henderson, C.H., Read, M.T., Shannon, K.B., Noren, A., O'Grady, R., Sloo, A., Steury, P., Fernandez, D.P., Henrici, A.C., and Tabor, N.J., 2024. Paleozoic Equatorial Records of Melting Ice Ages (PERMIA): Calibrating the Pace of Paleotropical Environmental and Ecological Change During Earth's Previous Icehouse. Scientific Drilling, 33(2), 109-128,

Weiss, B.P., Mansbach, E.N., Carsten, J.L., Kaplan, K.W., Maki, J.N., Wiens, R.C., Bosak, T., Collins, C.L., Fentress, J., Feinberg, J.M., Goreva, Y., Wu, M.K., Estlin, T.A., Klein, D.E., Kronyak, R.E., Moeller, R.C., Peper, N., Reyes-Newell, A., Sephton, M.A., Shuster, D.L., Simon, J.I., Williford, K.H., Stack, K.W., and Farley, K.A., 2024. Oriented Bedrock Samples Drilled by the Perseverance Rover on Mars. Earth and Space Science. 11(3), e2023EA003322,

Maki, D., Arnott, S., Feinberg, J.M., and Desrosiers, D., 2024, Human Interactions with Thunder Beings: Lightning Induced Magnetic Remanence in the Animated Landscape.” p. 55-100, In Archaeology in a Living Landscape Envisioning Nonhuman Persons in the Indigenous Americas., Eds. Woodfill, B., and Henderson, L., ISBN: 9780813079196, 410 p., University Press of Florida, Gainesvilles, Florida.

2023 n = 6

Welsh, J.T., Feinberg, J.M., Schneider, E., Pares, J.M., Jicha, B.R., Singer, B.S., and Carroll, A.R. 2023. Paleomagnetism and age of the Leucite Hills Volcanic Complex, Wyoming: Implications for eruptive history, landscape evolution, and the geomagnetic instability timescale (GITS). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 444, 107942,

Woods, T., Feinberg, J.M., Genareau, K., Park, C., Won, H., and Hong, Y. 2023. Magnetic properties of lightning-induced glass produced from five mineral phases. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB026561,

Hobart, K.K., Greensky, Z., Hernandez, K., Feinberg, J.M., Bailey, J.V., and Jones, D.S., 2023. Microbial communities from weathered outcrops of a sulfide-rich ultramafic intrusion, and implications for mine waste management. Environmental Microbiology.

McDaris, J., Feinberg, J.M., Levine, J., and Runkel, A.C., 2023. Establishing Specific Conductance-Chloride Relationships for Quaternary and Bedrock Aquifers in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota, United States. Earth Science, Systems and Society.

Bezaeva, N.S., Badyukov, D.D., Feinberg, J.M., Kars, M., and Kosterov, A., 2023. The effect of 30 to >100 GPa Shock on the Magnetic Properties of Chinga Iron Meteorite. In: Kolotov, V.P., Bezaeva, N.S. (eds) Advances in Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Planetary Sciences. Springer, Cham., 335-350,

Fisher, B.A., Yoo, K., Aufdenkampe, A.K., Nater, E.A., Feinberg, J.M., and Nyquist, J.E., 2023. Mineral surface area in deep weathering profiles reveals the interrelationship of iron oxidation and silicate weathering. Earth Surface Dynamics. 11, 51–69.

2022 n = 5

McDaris, J., Feinberg, J.M., Runkel, A.C., Levine, J., Kasahara, S., and Alexander Jr., E.C., 2022. Documentation and Prediction of Increasing Groundwater Chloride in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, Groundwater, 60(6), 837-850.

Doctor, R., and Feinberg, J.M., 2022. Differential thermal analysis using high temperature susceptibility instruments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(7), e2021JB023789, 

Ohenhen, L.O., Feinberg, J.M., Slater, L.D., Ntaragiannis, D., Rios-Sanchez, M., Isaacson, C.W., Stricker, A., Atekwana, E.A., 2022. Magnetic Evidence of Anaerobic Oxidation and Iron Mineral Dissolution in Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Aquifer, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,

Voelz, J.L., Hobart, K.K., Stahovich, K.A., Ziebol, H.E., Harper, N.A., Feinberg, J.M., Arnold, W.A., and Penn, R.L., 2022, Organic Matter Inhibits Redox Activity and Impacts Heterogeneous Growth of Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides on Nano-Hematite, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.

Jaqueto, P., Trindade, R.I.F., Terra-Nova, F., Feinberg, J.M., Novello, V.F., Strikis, N., Schrodl, P., Azevedo, V., Strauss, B.E., Cruz, F.W., Cheng, H., and Edwards, R.L., 2022. Stalagmite paleomagnetic record of a quiet mid-to-late Holocene field activity in central South America, Nature Communications, 13(1), 1349,

2021 n = 7

Feinberg, J.M., Hobart K.K..  2021.  Attraction in the Dark: The Magnetism of Speleothems. Elements. 17(2):113-118,

Feinberg J.M., Johnson KR.  2021.  Cave and Speleothem Science: From Local to Planetary Scales. Elements. 17(2):81-86,

Burstyn Y, Shaar R, Keinan J, Ebert Y, Ayalon A, Bar-Matthews M, Feinberg, J.M..  2021.  Holocene wet episodes recorded by magnetic minerals in stalagmites from Soreq Cave, Israel. Geology.

Paknia M, Ballato P, Heidarzadeh G, Oskooi B, Feinberg J.M., Jackson MJ, Bilardello D, Salvini F, Ataabadi MM et al..  2021.  Middle-late Miocene normal faulting in the intermontane Tarom Basin during the collisional deformation of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone, NW Iran: a regional process or a local feature? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 217:104846,

Sprain, C.J., Feinberg, J.M., Lamers, R., Bono, R.K., 2021. Characterization of Magnetic Mineral Assemblages in Clinkers: Potential Tools for Full Vector Paleomagnetic Studies. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,

Silveira, V.E.P., dos Santos, N.B., Franco, D.R., La Terra, E.F., Feinberg, J.M., Scorzelli, R.B., Fontes, M.B., Bertolino, L.C., Cagliari, J., Souza, M.K., Hartmann, G.A., 2021. Environmental magnetism evidence for longshore drift distribution of Fe-being phases: An example from the Brazilian southeastern coastal region. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 91(11), 1133-1150,

Jaqueto, P., Trindade, R.I.F., Feinberg, J.M., Carmo, J., Novello, V.F., Strikis, N.M., Cruz, F.W., Shimizu, M.H., Karmann, I., 2021. Magnetic mineralogy of speleothems from tropical -subtropical sites of South America. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9(634482),

2020 n = 7

Drenth, BJ, Souders, AK, Schulz, KJ, Feinberg, J.M., Anderson, RR., Chandler, VW, Cannon, WF, and Clark, RJ. 2020. Evidence for a concealed midcontinent rift-related northeast Iowa intrusive complex. Precambrian Research, 347(105845),

Mittelholz A, Johnson CL, Feinberg J.M., Langlais B, Phillips RJ.  2020. Timing of the martian dynamo: New Constraints for a core field 4.5 and 3.7 Ga ago. Science Advances. 6(18):eaba0513.

Biedermann, A.R., Jackson, MJ., Chadima, M., Hirt, AM, and Feinberg, JM., 2020. Beyond the second order magnetic anisotropy tensor: Higher-order components due to oriented magnetite exsolutions in pyroxenes, and implications for paleomagnetic and structural interpretations. Geophysical Journal International, 223(2):915-933.

Lowe, K.M., Arthure, S., Wallis, L.A., and Feinberg J.M., 2020. Geophysical and archaeological investigations of an early European settlement in Australia: a pilot study on Baker’s Flat, a historic Irish site in South Australia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 12(33), 1-20,

Feinberg, J.M., Lascu, I., Lima, E.A., Weiss, B.P., Dorale, J.A., Alexander Jr., E.C., Edwards, R.L., 2020. Magnetic detection of paleoflood layers in stalagmites and implications for historical land use changes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 530(115946),1-6,

Biedermann, A.R., Jackson, M., Stillinger, M.D., Bilardello, D., and Feinberg, J.M., 2020. Anisotropy of full and partial anhysteretic remanence across different rock types: 1. Are partial anhysteretic remanence anisotropy tensors additive? Tectonics, 39(2),

Biedermann, A.R., Jackson, M., Bilardello, D., and Feinberg, J.M., 2020. Anisotropy of full and partial anhysteretic remanence across different rock types: 2. Coercivity-dependence of remanence anisotropy, Tectonics, 39(2),

2019 n = 8

Jelinski NA, Sousa M, Williams A, GreyBear E, Finnes, K, Mulligan D, Cole C, Stillinger M, Feinberg JM.  2019.  Cryoturbation and Carbon Stocks in Gelisols under Late-Successional Black Spruce Forests of the Copper River Basin, Alaska. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 83:1760-1778.

Brandt D, Ernesto M, Constable C, Franco DR, Weinschütz L, Rodrigues POC, Hinnov L, Jaqueto P, Strauss BE, Feinberg JM et al..  2019.  New late Pennsylvanian paleomagnetic results from Paraná Basin (southern Brazil): Is the recent Giant Gaussian Process model valid for the Kiaman Superchron? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124(7), 6223-6242,

Francis, L., Feinberg, J.M., Holmes, R., and Mantell, S. 2019. Engaging First-Year Students with a Hands-on Course using Student-Driven Projects. American Society for Engineering Education. p. 18,

Biedermann, A.R., Jackson, M., Bilardello, D., and Feinberg, J.M., 2019. Anisotropy of (partial) isothermal remanent magnetization: DC-field-dependence and additivity. Geophysical Journal International. 218(2), 1428-1441, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggz234.

Volk, M.W.R., and Feinberg, J.M. 2019. Domain State and Temperature Dependence of Pressure Remanent Magnetization in Synthetic Magnetite: Implications for Crustal Remagnetization. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2019GC008238

Biedermann, A.R., Bilardello, D., Jackson, M., Tauxe, L., and Feinberg, J.M., 2019. Grain-size-dependent remanence anisotropy and its implications for paleodirections and paleointensities – proposing a new approach to anisotropy corrections. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 512, 111-123. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.01.051

Lindquist, A.K., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Loudon, J.C., and Newell, A.J., 2019. The effects of dislocations on crystallographic twins and domain wall motion in magnetite at the Verwey transition. Earth, Planets, Space. 71(5), doi: 10.1186/s40623-018-0981-7

Myre, J.M., Lascu, I., Lima, E.A., Feinberg, J.M., Saar, M.O., Weiss, B.P., 2019.  Using TNT-NN to unlock the fast full spatial inversion of large magnetic microscopy datasets, Earth, Planets, Space. 71(14), doi: 10.1186/s40623-019-0988-8

2018 n = 5

Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Southon, J., Matsumoto, K., Feinberg, J.M., Sinha, A., Zhou, W., Li, H., Li, X., Xu, Y., Chen, S., Tan, M., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., and Ning, Y. 2018. Atmospheric 14C/12C Changes during the Last Glacial Period from Hulu Cave., Science, 362(6420), 1293-1297, doi: 10.1126/science.aau0747

Trindade, R., Jaqueto, P., Terra-Nova, F., Brandt, D., Hartmann, G.A., Feinberg, J.M., Strauss, B.E., Novello, V.F., Cruz Jr., F.W., Karmann, I., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., 2018. Speleothem record of geomagnetic South Atlantic Anomaly recurrence, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(52), 13198-13203, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1809197115

Volk, M.W.R., McCalla, E., Voight, B., Manno, M. Leighton, C., and Feinberg, J.M., 2018. Changes in physical properties of 4C pyrrhotite, Fe7S8, across the 32 K Besnus transition, American Mineralogist. doi.10.2138/am-2018-6514.

Stillinger, M.D., Feinberg, J.M., Ben-Yosef, E., Shaar, R., Hardin, J.W., Blakely, J.A. 2018. A Rejoinder on the Value of Archaeomagnetic Dating: Integrative Methodology is the Key to Addressing Levantine Iron Age Chronology, Near Eastern Archaeology, 80(2), 141-144. Doi: 10.5615/neareastarch.81.2.0141.

Badyukov DD, Bezaeva NS, Rochette P, Gattacceca J, Feinberg JM, Kars M, Egli R, Raitala J, Kuzina DM.  2018.  Experimental shock metamorphism of terrestrial basalts: Agglutinate-like particle formation, petrology and magnetism. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 1:131-150. Doi: 10.1111/maps.13006.

2017 n = 6

Maxbauer DP, Feinberg JM, Fox DL, Nater E.  2017.  Response of pedogenic magnetite to changing vegetation in soils developed under uniform climate, topography, and parent material. Scientific Reports, 7, 17575, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17722-2.

Sharma A, DiVito M, Shore D, Block A, Pollock K, Solheid P, Modiano J, Feinberg JM, Lam C, Hubel A et al..  2017.  Alignment of Collagen Matrices using Magnetic Nanowires and Magnetic Barcode Readout using First Order Reversal Curves (FORC). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.11.035.

Luhmann AJ, Tutolo BM, Bagley BC, Mildner DFR, Scheurmann P, Feinberg JM, Ignatyev K, Seyfried, WE.  2017.  Chemical and physical changes during seawater flow through intact dunite cores: An experimental study at 150-200°C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 214:86-114. Doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.07.020.

Biedermann AR, Jackson MJ, Bilardello D, Feinberg JM, Brown MC, McEnroe S.  2017.  Influence of static alternating field demagnetization on anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility: Experiments and implications. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi. 10.1002/2017GC007073.

Nengo I, Tafforeau P, Gilbert CC, Fleagle JG, Miller ER, Feibel C, Fox DL, Feinberg JM, Pugh KD, Berruyer C et al..  2017.  New infant cranium from the African Miocene sheds light on ape evolution. Nature. 548:169-174. Doi: 10.1038/nature23456.

Zhu, Z., Feinberg, J.M., Xie, S., Bourne, M.D., Huang, C., Hu, C., and Cheng, H. 2017. Holocene ENSO-related cyclic storms recorded by magnetic minerals in speleothems of central China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi:10.1073/pnas.1610930114.

2016 n = 19

Jaqueto P, Trindade RIF, Hartmann GA, Novello VF, Cruz FW, Karmann I, Strauss BE, Feinberg JM.  2016.  Linking speleothem and soil magnetism in the Pau d'Alho cave (central South America). Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth. 121(10), 7024-7039. Doi: 10.1002/2016JB013541.

Strauss, BE, Feinberg, JM, Johnson, CL., 2016. Magnetic mineralogy of the Mercurian lithosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 121(11), 2225-2238. Doi: 10.1002/2016JE005054.

Byrne JM, van der Laan G, Figueroa-Garcia A, Appel E, Qafoku O, Rosso KM, Wang C, Pearce C, Jackson M, Feinberg JM.  2016.  Size dependent microbial oxidation and reduction of magnetite nano- and micro-particles. Scientific Reports. 6(30969). Doi: 10.1038/srep30969.

Maxbauer DP, Feinberg JM, Fox DL, Clyde WC.  2016.  Magnetic minerals as recorders of weathering, diagenesis, and paleoclimate: a core-outcrop comparison of Paleocene-Eocene paleosols in the Bighorn Basin, WY, U.S.A. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 452:15-26. Doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.07.029.

Maxbauer DP, Feinberg JM, Fox DL.  2016.  MAX UnMix: A web application for unmixing magnetic coercivity data. Computers & Geosciences. 95:140-145. Doi:10.1016/lj.cageo.2016.07.009.

Volk, M.W.R., Gilder, S.A., and Feinberg, J.M., 2016. Low temperature magnetic properties of monoclinic pyrrhotite with particular relevance to the Besnus transition. Geophysical Journal International. 207(3):1783-1795. Doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw376.

Frahm, E., Feinberg, J.M., Monnier, G.F., Tostevin, G.B., Gasparyan, B., Adler, D.S.  2016.  Lithic raw material units based on magnetic properties: A blind test with Armenian obsidian and application to the Middle Palaeolithic site of Lusakert Cave 1. Journal of Archaeological Sciences. 74:102-123. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2016.09.001.

Halligan, J.E., Waters, M.R., Perrotti, A., Owens, I.J., Feinberg, J.M., Bourne, M.D., Fenerty, B., Winsborough, B., Carlson, D., Fisher D.C., Stafford, T.W., and Dunbar, J.S., 2016. Pre-Clovis Occupation 14,450 years ago at the Page-Ladson Site, Florida and the Peopling of Americas, Science Advances, 2(5), e1600375, doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600375.

Stillinger, M.D., Hardin, J.W., Feinberg, J.M., and Blakeley, J.A., 2016. Archaeomagnetism as a Complementary Dating Technique to Address the Iron Age Chronology Debate in the Levant. Near Eastern Archaeology, 79(2), 90-106. Doi: 10.5615/neareastarch.79.2.0090.

Bezaeva, N., D. A. Chareev, P. Rochette, M. Kars, J. Gattacceca, Feinberg, J.M., R. A. Sadykov, D. M. Kuzina, and S. N. Axenov, 2016, Magnetic characterization of non-ideal single-domain monoclinic pyrrhotite and its demagnetization under hydrostatic pressure up to 2 GPa, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 257, 79-90. Doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2016.05.009.

Bourne, M.D., Feinberg, J.M., Stafford T.W., Waters MR, Lundelius E, Forman SL, 2016. High-Intensity Geomagnetic Field 'Spike' Observed At Ca. 3000 Cal BP In Texas, USA., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 442, 80-92. Doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.051.

Sprain, C.J., Feinberg JM, Renne, P.R., Jackson, M.J., 2016, Importance of titanohematite in detrital remanent magnetizations of strata spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, Hell Creek region, Montana. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17. Doi: 10.1002/2015GC006191.

Meijers MJM, Strauss BE, Özkaptan M, Feinberg JM, Mulch A, Whitney D, Kaymakci N.  2016.  Age and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of partially remagnetized lacustrine sedimentary rocks (Oligocene Aktoprak basin, central Anatolia, Turkey). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, doi:10.1002/2015GC006209.

Lowe KM, Shulmeister J, Feinberg JM, Manne T, Wallis LA, Welsh K.  2016.  Using soil magnetic properties to determine the onset of Pleistocene human settlement at Gledswood Shelter 1, northern Australia. Geoarchaeology, 31(3), 211-228. Doi: 10.1002/gea.21544.

Feinberg, J.M., Gao, Y., and Alexander, Jr., E.C., eds., 2016. Caves and Karst Across Time. Geological Society of America Special Paper 516, Geological Society of America Publishing, Boulder, Colorado, 300 p. doi: 10.1130/2016.2516.

Lascu, I., Feinberg, J.M., Dorale, J.A., Cheng, H., and Edwards, R.L., 2016. Age of the Laschamps excursion determined by U-Th dating of a speleothem geomagnetic record from North America. Geology, 44(2), 139-142, doi: 10.1130/G37490.1

Soltis, J., Feinberg, J.M., Gilbert, B., and Penn, R.L., 2016. Phase transformation and particle-mediated growth in the formation of hematite from 2-line ferrihydrite. Journal of Crystal Growth and Design. Doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.5b01471.

Frahm, E., Feinberg, J.M., Schmidt-Magee, B.A., Wilkinson, K.N., Gasparyan, B., Yeritsyan, B., Adler, D.S.  2016.  Middle Palaeolithic Lithic Procurement Behaviors at Lusakert Cave 1, Hrazdan Valley, Armenia. Journal of Human Evolution. 91:73-92. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.10.008.

Maxbauer, D.P., Feinberg, J.M., Fox, D.L., 2016. Magnetic mineral assemblages in soils and paleosols as the basis for paleoprecipitation proxies: A review of magnetic methods and challenges, Earth-Science Reviews, 155: 28-48. Doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.01.014.

2015 n = 10

Feinberg, J.M., and Spinu, L. 2015. Developing new rock magnetic tools to drive geomagnetic research. Eos, 96. doi:10.1029/2015EO040615.

Johnson, C.L., Phillips, R.J., Purucker, M.E., Anderson, B.J., Byrne, P.K., Denevi, B.W., Feinberg, J.M., Hauck, II, S.A., Head III, J.W., Korth, H., James, P.B., Mazarico, E., Neumann, G.A., Philpott, L.C., Siegler, M.A., Tsyganenko, N.A., and Solomon, S.C., 2015. Low-altitude Magnetic Field Measurements by MESSENGER Reveal Mercury’s Ancient Crustal Field. Science. 348(6237), 892-895. Doi: 10.1126/science.aaa8720.

Bourne, M.D., Feinberg, J.M., Strauss, B.E., Hardt, B., Cheng, H., Rowe, H.D., Springer, G., and Edwards, R.L., 2015. Long-term changes in precipitation recorded by magnetic minerals in speleothems. Geology, 43(7), 595-598. Doi: 10.1130/G36695.1.

Sprain, C.J., Feinberg, J.M., Geissman, J.W., Strauss, B.E., Brown, M.C., 2015. Paleointensity during periods of rapid reversal: A case study from the Middle Jurassic Shamrock Batholith, western Nevada. Geological Society of America Bulletin, B31283.1. doi:10.1130/B31283.1.

Frahm E, Feinberg JM.  2015.  Reassessing Obsidian Field Relationships at Glass Buttes, Oregon. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2, 654-665,  doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2014.11.007.

Drenth BJ, Anderson RR, Schulz KJ, Feinberg JM, Chandler VW, Cannon WF.  2015.  What lies beneath: Geophysical mapping of a concealed Precambrian intrusive complex along the Iowa-Minnesota border. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52(5), 279-293, doi:10.1139/cjes-2014-0178.

Shaar R, Tauxe L, Ben-Yosef E, Kassianidou V, Lorentzen B, Feinberg JM, Levy TE.  2015.  Decadal-scale variations in geomagnetic field intensity from ancient Cypriot slag mounds. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 16(1):195-214. Doi: 10.1002/2014GC005455.

Lindquist AK, Feinberg JM, Harrison RJ, Loudon JC, Newell AJ.  2015.  Domain wall pinning and dislocations: Investigating magnetite deformed under conditions analogous to nature using transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 120(3), 1415-1430. Doi: 10.1002/2014JB011335.

Feinberg JM, Solheid PA, Swanson-Hysell NL, Jackson MJ, Bowles JA.  2015.  Full vector low-temperature magnetic measurements of geologic materials. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 16(1):301-314. Doi: 10.1002/2014GC005591.

Stillinger M.D., Feinberg J.M., Frahm E.  2015.  Refining the Archaeomagnetic Dating Curve for the Near East: New Intensity Data from Bronze Age Ceramics at Tell Mozan, Syria. Journal of Archaeological Science. 53:345-355. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.10.025.

2014 n = 6

Strehlau, J.H., Hegner, L.A., Strauss, B.E., Feinberg, J.M., and Penn, R.L., 2014. Simple and Efficient Separation of Magnetic Minerals from Speleothems: Quantitative Efficiency, Compositional Analysis, and Rock Magnetic Characterization, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84, 1096-1106. Doi: 10.2110/jsr.2014.89.

Singer, B.S., Jicha, B.R., Condon, D.J., Macho, A.J., Hoffman, K.A., Dierkhising, J., Brown, M.C., Feinberg, J.M., and Kidane, T., 2014. On the age of the Réunion subchron and Geodynamo Instabilities during the Matuyama Chron, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 405, 25-38. Doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.08.011.

Friedman, S.A., Feinberg, J.M., Ferré. E.C., Martín-Hernandez, F., Conder, J.A., Rochette, P., 2014. Craton vs. rift uppermost mantle contributions to magnetic anomalies in the United States interior. Tectonophysics, 624-625, 15-23. Doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.023.

Ferré. E.C., Friedman, S.A., Martín-Hernandez, F., Feinberg, J.M., Till,  J.L., Ionov, D.A., Conder, J.A., 2014. Eight good reasons why the uppermost mantle could be magnetic. Tectonophysics, 624-625, 3-14. Doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.004.

Bezaeva, N.S., Badyukov, D.D., Nazarov, M.A., Rochette, P., Feinberg, J.M., Markov, G.P., Borschneck, D., Demory, F., Gattacceca, J., and Borisovskiy, S.E., 2014. Magnetic properties of the LL5 ordinary chondrite Chelyabinsk (fall of February 15, 2013). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49(6), 958-977. Doi: 10.111/maps.12307.

Frahm, E., Feinberg, J.M., Schmidt-Magee, B.A., Wilkinson, K., Gasparyan, B., Yeritsyan, B., Karapetian, S., Meliksetian, K., Muth, M.J., and Adler, D.S., 2014. Sourcing geochemically identical obsidian: Multiscalar magnetic variations in the Gutansar Volcanic Complex and implications for Paleolithic research in Armenia, Journal of Archaeological Science. 47, 164-178. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.04.015.

2013 n = 11

Strauss, B.E., Strehleu, J.H., Lascu, I., Dorale, J.A., Penn, R.L., and Feinberg, J.M., 2013. The origin of magnetic remanence in stalagmites: Observations from electron microscopy and rock magnetism. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(12), 5006-5025. Doi: 10.1002/2013GC004950.

Denyszyn, S.W., Feinberg, J.M., Renne, P.R., Scott, G.R., 2013. Revisiting the age and paleomagnetism of the Modipe Gabbro of South Africa, Precambrian Research, 238, 176-185. Doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2013.10.002.

Moron, S., Fox, D.L., Feinberg, J.M., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Montes, C., 2013. Climate change across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Bogotá Basin (Colombia) inferred from paleosol carbon isotope stratigraphy, major oxides, and environmental magnetism. Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 388, 115-127. Doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.08.010.

Lappe, S.-C., Feinberg, J.M., Muxworthy, A., Harrison, R.J., 2013, Comparison and calibration of non-heating paleointensity methods: A case study using dusty olivine, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Doi: 10.1002/ggge.20141.

Frahm, E., and Feinberg, J.M., 2013. From Flow to Quarry: Magnetic Properties of Obsidian and Changing the Scale of Archaeological Sourcing. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(10), 3706-3721. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.04.029.

Bezaeva, N.S., Badyukov, D.D., Nazarov, M.A., Rochette, P., and Feinberg, J.M., 2013. Magnetic properties of the Chelyabinsk meteorite: Preliminary Results. Geochemistry International. 51(7), 568-574. Doi: 10.1134/S0016702913070082.

Monnier, G., Hauck, T.C., Feinberg, J.M., Luo, B., Le Tensorer, J.-M., and al Sakhel, H., 2013. A Multi-analytical Methodology of Lithic Residue Analysis Applied to Paleolithic Tools from Hummal Syria, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 3722-3739. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.03.018.

Shaar, R., and Feinberg, J.M., 2013. Rock magnetic properties of dendrites: insights from MFM imaging and implications for paleomagnetic studies, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1002/ggge.20053.

Ferré, E.C., Friedman, S.A., Martín-Hernandez, F., Feinberg, J.M., Conder, J.A., and Ionov, D., 2013. The magnetism of mantle xenoliths and potential implications for sub-Moho magnetic sources, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(1-6), doi:10.1029/2012GL054100.

Frahm, E., and Feinberg, J.M., 2013. Environment and Collapse: Eastern Anatolian Obsidians at Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Syria) and the Third-Millennium Mesopotamian Urban Crisis, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 1866-1878. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.11.026.

Frahm, E., and Feinberg, J.M., 2013. Empires and Resources: Central Anatolian Obsidian at Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Syria) during the Akkadian Period, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 1122-1135. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.07.019.

2012 n = 1

Kasama, T., Harrison, R.J., Church, N.S., Nagao, M., Feinberg, J.M., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., 2012. Ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition. Part 1: Electron Holography and Lorentz Microscopy, Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal, doi: 10.1080/01411594.2012.695373.

2011 n = 7

Lindquist, A., Feinberg, J.M., Waters, M.R., 2011. The Rock Magnetic Properties of a Soil Developed on an Alluvial Deposit at Buttermilk Creek, Texas, USA, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2011GC003877.

Lappe., S.-C., Fanta, A., Bromily, G., Russel, S., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., 2011. Mineral Magnetism of dusty olivine, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2011GC003811.

Lascu, I., and Feinberg, J.M., 2011. Speleothem Magnetism. Quaternary Science Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.08.004.

Brownlee, S.J., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., Scott, G.R., and Renne, P.R., 2011.  Magnetic properties of ilmenite-hematite single crystals from the Ecstall pluton near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2011GC003622.

Church, N., Feinberg, J.M., and Harrison, R.J., 2011. Low-temperature domain wall pinning in titanomagnetite, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2011GC003538.

Waters, M.R., Forman, S.L., Jennings, T.A., Nordt, L.C., Driese, S., Feinberg, J.M., Keene, J.L., Halligan, J., Lindquist, A., James, P., Hallmark, C.T., Collins, M.B., Wiederhold, J.E., 2011. The Buttermilk Creek Complex and the Origins of Clovis at the Debra L. Friedkin Site, Texas, Science, 331(6204), 1599-1603, doi: 10.1126/science.1201855.

Swanson-Hysell, N.L., Feinberg, J.M., Berquo, T.S., and Maloof, A.C., 2011. Self-reversed magnetization held by martite in basalt flows from the 1.1-billion-year-old Keweenawan rift, Canada, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 171-184. Doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.02.053.

2010 n = 4

Kasama, T., Church, N., Feinberg, J.M., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., and Harrison, R.J., 2010. Direct observation of ferrimagnetic/ferroelastic domain interactions in magnetite below the Verwey transition, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.05.004.

McNeil, R.P.G., Schneble, R.J., Kataoka, M., Ford, C.J.B., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Barnes, C.H.W., Tse, D.H.Y., Trypiniotis, T., Bland, J.A., Anderson, D., Jones, G.A.C., and Pepper, M., 2010.  Localised magnetic fields in arbitrary directions using patterned nanomagnets, NanoLetters, 23, doi: 10.1021/nl902949v.

Shaar, R., Ron, H., Tauxe, L., Kessel, R., Agnon, A., Ben-Yosef, E., Feinberg, J.M., 2010. Testing the accuracy of absolute intensity estimates of the ancient geomagnetic field using copper slag material. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290, 201-213. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.12.022.

Brownlee, S.J., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Kasama, T., Scott, G.R., and Renne, P.R., 2010.  Effects of Temperature on Ilmenite-Hematite: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties in the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia, American Mineralogist, 95, 153-160. Doi: 10.2138/am.2010.3191.

2009 n = 4

Harrison, R.J., and Feinberg, J.M., 2009. Mineral Magnetism: Providing New Insights into Geoscience Processes, Elements, 5, 209-215. Doi: 10.2113/gselements.5.4.209.

Brown, M.C., Singer, B.S., Knudsen, M.F., Jicha, B.R., Finnes, E., and Feinberg, J.M., 2009. No evidence for Brunhes age excursions, Santo Antão, Cape Verde, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287, 100-115, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.07.039.

Galindo-Gonzalez, C., Feinberg, J.M., Kasama, T., Gontard, L.C., Posfai, M., Kosa, I., Duran, J.D.G., Gil, J.E., Harrison, R.J., and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., 2009. Magnetic and microscopic characterization of magnetite nanoparticles adhered to clay surfaces, American Mineralogist, 94, 1120-1129. Doi: 10.2138/am.2009.3167.

Feinberg, J.M., Renne, P.R., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Waters, M.R., Ochoa-Castillo, P., and Perez-Campa, M., 2009. Age Constraints on Alleged ‘Footprints’ Preserved in the Xalnene Tuff near Puebla, Mexico, Geology, 37 (3), 267-270. doi: 10.1130/G24913A.1.

2008 n = 2

Harrison, R.J., and Feinberg, J.M., 2008. FORCinel: An improved algorithm for calculating first-order reversal curve (FORC) distributions using locally-weighted regression smoothing: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1029/2008GC001987.

Junginger, F., Kläui, M., Backes, D., Krzyk, S., Rüdiger, U., Kasama, T., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Heyderman, L.J., 2008.  Quantitative determination of vortex core dimensions in head-to-head domain walls using off-axis electron holography, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 112502, doi: 10.1063/1.2829601.

2007 n = 1

Harrison, R.J., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Kasama, T., Simpson, E.T., and Feinberg, J.M., 2007, Magnetic properties of rocks and minerals, In G. Schubert, Ed., Treatise on Geophysics, Elsevier.  ISBN 0444519289. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00048-8 

2006 n = 2

Feinberg, J.M., Harrison, R.J., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Kasama, T., Scott. G.R., and Renne, P.R., 2006, The influence of nanoscale microstructure on the remanence properties of clinopyroxene-hosted titanomagnetite inclusions: an electron holography study: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 111, B12S15, doi:10.1029/2006JB004498.

Feinberg, J.M., Wenk, H.-R., Scott, G.R., and Renne, P.R., 2006, Preferred orientation and anisotropy of seismic and magnetic properties in gabbronorites from the Bushveld layered intrusion: Tectonophysics, 420, 345-356. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2006.03.017. 

2005 n = 3

Renne, P.R., Feinberg, J.M., Waters, M.R., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Ochoa-Castillo, P., Perez-Campa, M., and Knight, K.B., 2005, Age of the Xalnene ash, Central Mexico, and archeological implications: Nature, 438, doi:10.1038/nature04425.

Feinberg, J.M., Scott, G.R., Renne, P.R., and Wenk, H.-R., 2005, Exsolved Magnetite Inclusions in Silicates: Features Determining Their Remanence Behavior: Geology, 33 (6), p. 513-516. doi: 10.1130/G21290.1.

Twitchett, R.J., Feinberg, J.M., O’Connor, D.D., Alvarez, W., and McCollum, L., 2005, Early Triassic Ophiuroids: their Paleoecology, Taphonomy and Distribution: Palaios, 20, p. 213-223. doi: 10.2110/palo.2004.p04-30.

2004 n = 1

Feinberg, J.M., Wenk, H.-R., Renne, P.R., Scott, G.R., 2004. Epitaxial relationships of silicate-hosted magnetite determined using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. American Mineralogist, 89, p. 462-466. doi: 10.2138/am-2004-2-328. 

2002 n = 1

Renne, P.R., Scott, G.R., Glen, J.M.G., and Feinberg, J.M. (2002) Oriented inclusions of magnetite in clinopyroxene: Source of stable remanent magnetization in gabbros of the Messum Complex, Namibia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 3(12), 1079, doi: 10.1029/2002GC000319