Rashida Doctor

Ph.D. Student - CV (January 2025)


I am a PhD student in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. I am broadly interested in rock magnetism and geophysical instrumentation. My current research focuses on speleothem magnetism and formation. I use lab-grown speleothem analogs to study magnetic remanence acquisition in actively crystallizing materials with the aim of furthering our understanding of paleointensity recorders. I also analyze natural speleothems using optical, magnetic, and electron microscopy techniques to determine environmental changes during hiatuses in growth. Research aside, I enjoy exploring the Twin Cities, doing crossword puzzles, baking, and spreading the word about lime cucumber Gatorade.

Publications & Presentations


Stine, J.M., Feinberg, J.M., Huttenlocker, A.K., Irmis, R.B., Ramirez, D., Doctor, R., McDaris, J., Henderson, C.H., Read, M.T., Shannon, K.B., Noren, A., O'Grady, R., Sloo, A., Steury, P., Fernandez, D.P., Henrici, A.C., and Tabor, N.J., 2024. Paleozoic Equatorial Records of Melting Ice Ages (PERMIA): Calibrating the Pace of Paleotropical Environmental and Ecological Change During Earth's Previous Icehouse. Scientific Drilling, 33(2), 109-128, https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-33-109-2024

Doctor, R., Feinberg, J.M. (2022). Differential thermal analysis using high temperature susceptibility instruments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(7), e2021JB023789.

Cai, S., Doctor, R., Tauxe, L., Hendrickson, M., Hua, Q., Leroy, S., & Phon, K. (2021). Archaeomagnetic results from Cambodia in Southeast Asia: Evidence for possible low-latitude flux expulsion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(11), e2022490118.


Selected Presentations

Doctor, R., Feinberg, J., Chutcharavan, P.M., Jaqueto, P., Edwards, R.L., Richards, D.A. “Evidence of a Late Pleistocene Sea-level Highstand from an Iron-rich Layer in a Bahamian Flowstone” AGU Annual Meeting 2024

Doctor, R., Feinberg, J., Jaqueto, P. “The importance of clays in speleothem remanence acquisition” AGU Fall Meeting 2023

Doctor, R., Feinberg, J., Jaqueto, P. “Effect of field intensity on the remanence of speleothems” IRM Conference 2023

Doctor, R., Feinberg, J., Jaqueto, P. “The intensity of remanence in speleothems: Acquisition of magnetization in an actively crystallizing matrix” AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Jaqueto, P., Feinberg, J., Doctor, R., Cruz-Reyes, M., Penn, L., Lascu, I., Borlina, C., Lima, E., Strikis, N., Novello, V., Trindade, R., Cruz, F. “Aragonitic stalagmites record of the geomagnetic field: Paleomagnetic promise and limitations” AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Brown, M., Moskowitz, B., Feinberg, J., Bilardello, D., Solheid, P., Jaqueto, P., Jackson, M., Doctor, R., Hobart, K. “International Summer School for Rock Magnetism: Teaching Through Question-Driven Research” AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Teaching & Mentoring

Teaching Assistant, ESCI 2301 Mineralogy

Mentor of Undergraduate Researcher, Supervised research project of Kacie Malone, who won a UMN Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) scholarship to study thermodynamic reactions of clay minerals. 

Mentor at 2024 IRM Summer School for Rack Magnetism, Assisted project group work during summer school and taght students to interact with IRM and MagIC databases.   

Service & Outreach

Awards & Scholarships