Feinberg Research Group

My students, postdocs, collaborators and I study natural and anthropogenic processes that are important to the evolution of our planet and that impact the health and sustainability of our communities. We use geophysical methods (usually magnetic techniques) in combination with field observations and microscopy to explore processes that operate on global, tectonic, outcrop, and nanometer scales. Our research has uncovered new discoveries about the behavior of the Earth’s magnetic field, tracked environmental change through time, compiled paleoflood histories from speleothems, monitored groundwater quality in the Twin Cities, and characterized novel magnetic materials. I help run a national multi-user facility called the Institute for Rock Magnetism. Separate from my geoscience research, I am deeply committed to undergraduate education and work as the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, which serves the five campuses of the University of Minnesota. 

We believe that collaboration among people of all cultures, experiences, and backgrounds enhances science and contributes to excellence in teaching, learning, and research. We strive to promote a climate that celebrates our differences, dismantles racist and other discriminatory practices, and promotes an environment where all have the opportunity to thrive.